Last Friday was very emotional for anyone that has a heart and a conscious. It was the nineteenth anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center by Islamic terrorists. One of my most vivid memories of that time was actually September 12, 2001 and beyond. No one cared about what color your skin was or what God you worshiped. There was one race….the human race. People were flying American flags outside their cars. Today there are those that choose to burn and stomp on that very same flag. The police and fire departments across the nation were hailed as heroes. Today they are randomly attacked by members of Black Live Matter and Antifa. I’m tired of the disrespect and rioting and vandalism. Our country has been taken over from within by various social terrorist organizations. There comes a time when people have had enough and they start to fight back to protect their family and property. That time is now.

It’s not going to get any better until we get tough. This past weekend two Los Angeles police officers were shot in the face for doing nothing but protecting citizens of their city. These thugs and animals then proceeded to block the entry of the emergency vehicles to the local hospital while yelling “We hope they die.” This is not “protesting.” It’s the deepest level of barbaric behavior that has no place in a civilized society.

How many more buildings will be set on fire? How many more stores will be destroyed? How many more members of the Police will be injured during these senseless criminal activities? What we allow we teach. It’s time for this parade of fools to end. Let’s take back our country. Let’s really show others that we never forgot!!


Wait a minute….I thought calling 911 was a good thing??  Well so did I…..then I heard about a friend’s story.  Since this case is still under litigation I will be vague in my details but you will have enough information to understand the message.

My friend was attacked recently by a very large group of people.  He called 911 for help and was transferred three times.  When the Police finally showed up HE was arrested for a concealed handgun.  After several court appearances the case was ready to go to trial.  The Prosecution admitted they have zero witnesses.  A plea bargain was agreed upon by the defense and the prosecution so the defendant could avoid jail time.  The judge decided otherwise and gave my friend ten days in a maximum security prison.  How does this happen?  One moment my law-abiding friend is calling the local police for help and thirty days later he is in a six by ten foot isolation cell for a crime he did not commit.

If you do not want to be “in play” then stay out of the system.  Make that call to 911 and you are in the Rolodex and officially “in play.”  Nothing good will ever come out of a visit to your home by the police.  Diffuse the situation on your own and go home.  Always keep in mind that nothing good ever happens when you answer the front door.  If you keep these simple rules in mind you should be able to stay out of jail…….as long as you wear your mask inside the grocery store.  😁😁😁

Comment Line Edit Two

If you listen you will understand why Danny has been a dominant radio personality in EVERY market he has worked in.  It’s not politically correct.  It’s the way it should be.  It’s the truth!!  🦾🦾🦾  More HOA horror stories.  Al Gore and AOC are liars and Danny tells ya why. 😖😖😖The latest on the Senate Impeachment Hearings and more!!! ⚡⚡⚡

old lady giving finger

I personally think this is the best DANNYLAND ever.  I try to keep adding different elements to keep it interesting.  I truly believe this is how radio should be….I’ll add callers and interviews soon.  Thanks for listening and would love feedback.


This is what I look like 21 days after legally being declared dead.  Doctors have no explanation why I made it through but I know there is soooooo much more than this.  My freaking mind is exploding and is non-stop.  I think you will hear the difference in my podcast.  I hope you all are well and know that there isn’t anything put in the path of your life that you cannot overcome.  Cherish your family and your friends.  Now…..just click below for the truth.   If ya don’t agree then let me have it.  Political Correctness is a waste of time for all of us.  Thank you for listening and have a great day.

seond chanceI should be dead.   Let’s start there.  On September 21, 2015 I started to go downhill, healthwise, at a rapid pace.  I was coughing up blood and struggling to catch my breath.   It was late that Monday afternoon when I knew I had to call 911.  I didn’t have the strength to get off the couch and told the 911 operator that the paramedics would have to come through the window.  She stayed on the phone with me until they arrived.  The paramedics worked quickly to remove me from the house and our destination was Wellington Regional.  They were moving at the fastest pace possible so I knew this was serious.  This thought was supported even further when the one in the back of the emergency unit asked me “Why did you wait so long?”

I was unconscious by the time I reached the hospital so I had to fill in the blanks by questioning my doctors and medical staff.  I had pneumonia.  This caused a heart block.  My heart rate fell to 22.  My other organs were slowly shutting down.  My mother was contacted late that Monday evening and the doctors were honest with her;  They didn’t know if I would make it through the night.  I would remain unconscious, hooked to wires and machines, for the next six days.

I may be ridiculed, by some, for what I share with you next.  Let me preface what I am about to tell you by giving you a bit of background of my religious beliefs and upbringing.  I was raised Catholic.  I stopped going to church a long time ago.  I believed in a Supreme Being and an after-life.  I was never one to read the Bible or one to devote much of my time to prayer.  Now let me share with you what I learned.

There is a heaven.  I know because I was outside the doors.  I begged God for another chance;  for the ability to make a difference and use the talents He has given me.  I begged Him for forgiveness and promised that I would use a second chance to make a difference in my life and attempt to do the same in the lives of others.

When I finally regained consciousness I was told that I did actually “die and come back.”   My mother mentioned that when I was fighting to regain consciousness I kept saying “I’m sorry.  I am so sorry. Please give me another chance.”  Physically I was very sick but spiritually this was an awakening and something that has changed my life.

I learned the heart block caused damage to my heart and I would need a pacemaker.  On Monday September 29, 2015 I was transferred from Wellington Regional to JFK Medical Center, a hospital known for their cardiac care.   One week after my transfer and NUMEROUS tests, pills and pokes my permanent pacemaker was installed on Monday October 5, 2015.  Yesterday, October 6, 2015 I was finally discharged and returned home.

I am on the road to recovery.  I pop more pills on a daily basis than Keith Richards does.  I can’t drive for another two weeks and I follow up with two doctors next week.  I need to take and log my blood pressure and pulse on a daily basis.  Having been diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder and general anxiety disorder this is the least of my problems in fact I just did it five minutes ago and of course I logged all the numbers into my computer.   Yesterday was the first day since September 21st that I was on my feet and moving around for an extended period of time.   It’s both amazing and embarrassing at the things I took for granted. So many people showed concern for me and for that I am drastically humbled and forever grateful.  I have been given a second chance and I plan on delivering on my promise to make a difference.  We all face struggles on a daily basis.  Some days are better than others but I don’t think God gives us anything we can’t handle or is without reason and purpose.  Thank you for taking the time to read this.  I truly believe that what happened to me has a purpose.  You reading this blog entry is part of my spiritual mission.  Thank you for your time, concern, understanding and support.  Enjoy the rest of your day.

usa SOCCER FANI’m watching the World Cup and I admit it and chances are you are as well….but be honest….the majority of us have not become “fans” of the sport.  We have jumped on the “Bandwagon” and that is something Americans have always loved to do.

Remember the two weeks after 9-11?  Everyone flying the American flag from  their cars and wearing NYPD hats?  President Bush had a 91% approval rating and the two-party system ceased to exist.   We truly were the “United States of America.”  Those days are long gone.  No one can talk politics in a civil matter and we haven’t learned a thing from that tragic day as we continue to stick our nose where it doesn’t belong.

So how does this relate to the World Cup?  The majority of people in this country  aren’t FANS of the game, we just wanna cheer for our country and there is nothing wrong with that at all.  Every time our team wins it does something right that makes us very proud inside—something this country has not done for me since the terrible day of 9-11.

Soccer is, was and will continue to be boring to watch.  The biggest story coming out of the World Cup was some guy biting another guy…..and this was the THIRD time he did it.  You bite me and I’m grabbing a grenade from one of the terrorists in the stands and I’m blowing that guy up like he’s in a “Hostel” movie.

I’d write more but the USA bandwagon is coming down my street and I need to jump on it.

illegal aliensLet me preface this post by saying how much I admire our armed forces.  Their courage and bravery are second to none.  I do not share the same feelings about our country.  We have what my late father would call “nose problems.”  We don’t like what is happening in another country we intervene and call it a “humanitarian effort.”  Why doesn’t our government call it what it is……an invasion.

Israel aside, we have no right to be the Police of the World.  Take Iraq for instance.  I understand that Sadaam Hussain was a tyrant but the majority of the people in that country are savages.  We invaded a country and strongly suggested our form of government.  That would really please Hitler.

You want to stop corruption and the breaking of laws?  Invade Palm Beach County and take a look at County Commissioners and our shady sheriff, Rick Bradshaw, that allegedly believes there is nothing wrong with gunning down an unarmed citizen on his own property.

We have so many of our troops spread across the globe we can’t stop illegal aliens from entering our country.  Estimates are that 230K illegal children will cross our border in the next 24 months.  Those represent jobs that will be taken from the honest, hard-working American.

My solution?  Bring home all of our troops and shut down our borders  We are being invaded and are doing nothing about it.  Did we learn anything from Pearl Harbor and 911?  Apparently not.